Shut Up and Write (for PGR students)

Shut Up and Write (for PGR students)


Postgraduate Research Society

Wed 11 December 2019 14:00-16:00

David Wilson Library, Postgraduate Reading Room

Our aim in these sessions is to: 

Keep the writing sprints short. Use the Pomodoro Technique (a pomodoro is a 25 minute stretch of focussed concentration). Between the pomodoros, take as much time as the group would like to drink hot beverages, talk and eat. We will have one person willing to act as “Pomodoro chief” who will do time calls

Work on anything, so long as it’s work — transcription, analysis, reading, organising your notes – even email (although we don’t recommend it). No exercises or judgment remember? The only rule is to be silent when everyone else is.

Some information on how the events will be run:

Here is a reflection from The Thesis Whisperer on Shut Up and Write