

Welcome to Voice


On these pages, we will keep you updated with the work of the Academic Reps, Full-Time and Part-Time Officers, and Student Council as well as all your student leaders.

We  give you the opportunity to shape your experience at the University of Leicester. 

Get Involved!

Your OfficersStudent CouncilIdeas System

ElectionsAcademic RepsCampaigns and Projects



Meet the Voice Team



We are your Voice Department team - the SU staff who are in your corner, ready to provide support and advice on all things Voice and Representation related.

Ian Bruce (he/him)

Support and Representation Manager

What is your job?

  • To oversee the operation of the Support and Representation Teams. Within Voice, this includes: Academic Representation, Elections, Student Council, Scrutiny Committee and Networks
  • To enable and empower student leaders including Part Time Officers, Student Union Reps, Course Reps and Executive Officers to be effective representatives.
  • To oversee the organisation and support available for events such as Student Voice Awards and Student Leaders conference.


Emma Reed (she/her) and Anya Sier (she/her)  

Academic Representation Coordinators

What is your job?

  • To manage and develop the Academic Representation System
  • Provide support to course and school reps throughout the year, giving them the tools to make positive and impactful change
  • Monitor any matters raised, and help reps to hold their department/school accountable.
  • Run the Superstar Awards, the annual awards where students can nominate staff members who have positively impacted their time at university. You can contact us about this at superstarawards@le.ac.uk
  • Contact us about: your academic representatives (including if you want to be one), or if you have any non-personal academic issues that your department has not resolved.
  • If you want to get in touch about any of this, email su-repteam@leicester.ac.uk.

Ameila Jones (she/her)

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator

What is your job?

  • Work with Elected Officers and students to deliver campaigns and projects at the Students' Union.
  • Support the SU's democratic processes like the Idea's systemStudent Council, and Scrutiny.
  • Create and deliver training associated with the role such as community organising, Elections training, and running campaigns.
  • Support student representatives to hold the Officers, SU, and University to account.
  • If you'd like access to any of the above training opportunities, or just to chat about anything related to my role, email: su-voice@leicester.ac.uk

Find our 2023/2024 Impact Report Here

[Info aobut what an impact report is]

Find Us On Social Media

Find us on Instagram here 



University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101