Queer Speed Friendship Event

Queer Speed Friendship Event



Wed 17 February 2021 16:00-17:00

This event is designed to be a safe-space to meet and socialise with fellow students, to help ensure this you are required to purchase a free ticket in order to attend.


This will be an online social event where LGBTQ+ people can come together to chat, meet new people, and makes friends! We appreciate it has been hard for many students to make friends this year, but this will be a fun and relaxed safe space to socialise – it is never too late to make friends!

We know that sometimes online meetings can feel awkward, but members of the LGBTQ+ Network and members of the LGBTQ+ Society committee will be there to help break the ice and keep conversation flowing! We will have some conversation starters ready, like talking about our favourite LGBTQ+ tv shows or movies or books, or our favourite LGBTQ+ celebrities and role models, so it should be easy to chat and get to know people!