Student Group Events

View this month's events

Tue 11th February

Wed 12th February

Skatepark Session
2pm - 4pm
Skate Parlour, 32 Burgess Rd, Leicester, LE2 8QL
Join us for an indoor skatepark session open for skateboarding & rollerblading (see FAQs on "buy ticket" page). **Tickets to be purchased before arrival.** (Inviting a non-UOL friend: click "Skatepark session" for more information)

Thu 13th February

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm
3.01 Percy Gee Board Room
Galentines Movie Night
6pm - 9pm
Sir Bob Burgess Lecture Theatre 2
Join us for a movie night to celebrate Galentines day! Everyone is welcome :)

Thu 20th February

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm
3.01 Percy Gee Board Room

Fri 21st February

Winter Ball (non-alcohol)
21st February midnight - 22nd February midnight

Thu 27th February

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm
2.23 Training Room

Thu 6th March

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm

Sun 9th March

LUNACCS: Leicester University National Anaesthetics and Critical Care Symposium
9am - 9pm
Ken Edwards Building
We are excited to hold our first national conference here at the University of Leicester. A day filled with exciting speakers, interactive workshops and an abstract competition with prizes you won't want to miss out!!

Thu 13th March

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm

Thu 20th March

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm

Fri 21st March

Business Ball
7pm - midnight
Millstone Courtyard
The Business Ball is Back! This March, the School of Business and Investment Society have come together to bring this black tie celebratory event for all ULSB current students and alumni. However, this isn't just your standard ball.

Sat 22nd March

Business Ball
7pm - midnight
Millstone Courtyard
The Business Ball is Back! This March, the School of Business and Investment Society have come together to bring this black tie celebratory event for all ULSB current students and alumni. However, this isn't just your standard ball.

Thu 27th March

Cubing Sessions
5:30pm - 7pm
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University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101