Craft Society: Utensil Creature Session

Craft Society: Utensil Creature Session

Craft Society: Utensil Creature Session


Craft Society

Wed 21 October 2020 19:30-20:30

Online (Via Teams)

Hi everyone!! We've decided that for our next project on Wednesday 21/10/2020 we will be making cutlery people (which are in no way at all based on a certain toy story character ;)) all materials will be provided for members and those who attended the previous event (as a thank you for bearing with us!) And for non members it will be a charge of 50p to cover costs ?? . (So feel free to grab your housemates and have your own crafty night in together!!)


We're going to ask that you register interest by next WEDNESDAY 14TH OCTOBER at the latest to give us plenty of time to distribute materials.

We will aim to have material packs ready for the beginning of the week of the session for you to pick up from main campus, so please drop a comment below on which days of the week you'd be able to collect. The kits will contain all the necessary materials except for some basics like tape, glue, scissors and permanent markers, but if you're having trouble getting those things then let us know and we'll see what we can do! You will also be able to pick up kits for friends (just incase anyone is shielding or unable to make it to pick it up) but we will need an email from the person you are collecting for to confirm they give you permission to do so.

Any questions please do get in touch with us ??

Lots of love

The Craft Soc Team xxx