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  • 44 score
    46 voters

    Getting Rid of Asbestos across University Campus


      Asbestos is one of the most dangerous building materials ever used by mankind, making it illegal to make or use for the past few decades upon the shocking revelation of its negative impacts on the human's body breathing mechanism. It was the best-selling heat and chemical-resistant, fireproof and strong insulator for many buildings, back between its popularity in the 1960s and 1980s. However many buildings today still contain this toxic material.

      Individuals who were exposed to this material for a consistent period of time, often workers on construction sites or in mines, have eventually led to their death, for example, from cancer. However, small exposure to this material does not significantly affect the human mechanism but may be harmful. Also, this material has been shown to be present in individuals living near an asbestos site or individuals who had exposure to the material through open contact in an office or at home.

      Currently, the university still has a few older buildings containing this toxic material, such as the Engineering building's bathroom, which even has a sign warning label stuck on the wall. To the best of my knowledge, a part of the material in that room has been chipped off.

      The aim is to strongly encourage the university to try to push these materials out of its building, where hundreds and thousands of students, staff and visitors enter and exit those buildings with asbestos, often not known or acknowledged that parts of the building contain possible dangerous toxic material.

      It is important to mention that when the material is not damaged in any way, it will not significantly impact the human mechanism, and the university should have regular checks to confirm those requirements are met. Moreover, it is also important to note that the removal of this toxic material is a very costly and complicated matter due to its hazardous concerns.

      However, the university should be financially able to get rid of this material slowly, but maturely, to ensure that minimal risk is obtained throughout living in the twenty-first century at the university.

      A very long but interesting Facebook video explains the topic of Asbestos pretty well: https://www.facebook.com/asbestosclaimslaw/videos/a-really-fascinating-new-documentary-from-artetv-asbestos-the-never-ending-story/467435518771325/

      I have written the information above to the best of my knowledge, meaning some information might be shown to be incorrect (out of my knowledge).

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