Intrapersonal Learning Intelligence


Intrapersonal Study Skills:


When you have an interpersonal mode of intelligence it means you basically have a good idea of what is best for you, and have succeeded in the past in understanding yourself, how you feel and what will benefit you. Some may call you an introvert, others quiet and focused, but really all this means is that you learn best by yourself and focused on yourself. You can tune out the world and generate the best results you are capable of, so use these skills when approaching your studies (particularly around exam time!). 

1. Find the right space:

Know yourself and your own needs, where do you feel most secure and relaxed? Adhering to your needs in your study environment will in turn improve your concentration and retaining of knowledge. This is usually a quiet and comfortable place, often secluded from others, where you can concentrate on your own studies and not be distracted by those around you.

Make sure though that this does not always end up being your room. A bit of social interaction between your studies will result in a healthy balance, and it is good to keep your sleeping/leisure place separate from your study area.



2. Go over your lectures that evening:

If you are an intrapersonal learner then you are often good at self-reflection. This skill will come in handy when reflecting on what you have learnt in a day. As a study skill you could come home in the evenings and work on memorising your lecture notes from that day. This way it isn’t a massive challenge at the end of term with all the material from the module having to be learnt at once. Doing it gradually each evening will also improve your long term memory for future modules that could have similar topics.



3. Learning Goals:

Establish learning goals for each of your modules each week and track whether you are able to meet them or not. In order to do this it would be good to keep a learning journal and in it include:

  • Your learning objectives
  • The date period in which you plan to learn them
  • Whether they were achieved
  • What study skills you used (assess whether these were the reasons why you were successful or not in achieving your goals)
  • Self-reflection on your progress and whether you are content with it

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