Course Reps


Course Reps are student volunteers who champion the student voice on their course. They are the first point of contact for their cohort (usually the students on their course, in their year) to raise any feedback about their course. Course Reps then take this feedback to staff members and work to improve the course for current and future students.


Course Rep Recruitment 23/24

Course Rep Nominations for the 23/24 Academic Year are now closed. Depending on the amount of interest we have for each post, you will either be accepted as a volunteer, or we will run a quick poll so students can vote for their rep.


Contacting your Course Rep

You should speak to your course rep when you have feedback on your course, whether it’s positive or negative.

What do Course Reps help with?
  • Course content and structure
  • Learning resources, including lecture recordings
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Teaching methods and best practice
  • Library feedback, including book availability
  • Study space and computer access on campus
  • Accessibility
  • Feedback on careers sessions
  • IT issues
2022-23 Wrap Up

In 2022-23, Course Reps also supported the Education Officer and the University Executive Board to make the following changes:

  • Introduced Medics DeStress!
  • Extended the Working Hours Policy
  • Put in place a stratergy to improve our offer for PGR students
  • Worked to update Senate Regulation 11, to make it clearer ofr students
  • Helped to make changes to the Assessment Policy

Find Your Reps







If you have any questions or want more information about the course rep system, email:



Become a Rep


Interested in being an Academic Rep? Click here to learn more!

University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101