Dhoom Machale
Date: Friday 24th November 2023
Time: 6pm - 9:30pm
Ticket prices - £3 (Members) £5 (Non-Members)
Location - Gees 0.10 (next to SU Square, opposite Starbucks)
You spoke, we listened!
In response to the constructive feedback we received, we have decided to remove the shotgun page! You may now dress up as ANY bollywood character, even if they've already been taken!
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on alcohol consumption/distribution. If anyone is found in possession of such items they will be made to leave the social immediately with no refund and reported to the UoL Students Union. Same rules apply for smoking, vaping and other recreational drugs.
On a more positive note, snacks and refreshments will be provided!
We will also be showcasing performances, giving you the opportunity to socialise with fellow bollywood fans and take part in competitive games - winners will have prizes to take home!