Wellbeing Officer

   Hoor Pathan, Wellbeing Officer 2022/2023  Course: LLB Law with Politics  Hometown: Leicester   How do you think your friends and family would best describe you? My friends and family would describe me as ambitious, funny, considerate, and passionate. I take pride in my personal and professional achievements, and I love to help others.   What inspired you to become an Exec Officer? What inspired you to become an exec? From a very young age I have been involved in various projects and roles focused at empowering young people to shape the services they use, including working with European Parliament to engage young people in decision making. I was very inspired by the Union and previous officers’ work to ensure students are involved. I hope to build upon it and put students at the heart of decision making.    

What can you offer students in your role? Students can rest assured that I will always fight their corner and encourage them. I hope to be a listening ear to your concerns and relay these to decision makers to make change happen. I can offer students my experience of working with international governments - taking those skills and ensuring students have the best possible experience at the University and within the Union!      What is the most important change you want to make this year? Undoubtedly, the biggest challenge the student community is currently facing is the cost of living crisis. I’d like to ensure students are supported with initiatives like a food bank and support resources. I also want mental and emotional wellbeing, and the freedom to be yourself, to be at the forefront of all our services - so students feel supported in their life choices. I want to empower you and take you on this journey with me - please feel free reach out to me at hp362@leicester.ac.uk     Hobbies and Interests: I love Football - you'll find me at most Leicester City games cheering on the Foxes. I’m also a massive Formula 1 and Cricket fan.   I really enjoy cinema trips with family and friends (mostly watching Marvel movies) and I’m currently catching up on Disney+ shows.   I also love music (mainly pop) and going to concerts whenever I can!



Semester 1


•Free Breakfast Scheme

. Long term funding secured to the initiative to continue until the end of March.


•Spiking Awareness

. Worked in collaboration with the University to distribute resources centred around spiking awareness. Test kits in the pipeline for next semester.


•Smoke Free Campus

. New smoking shelter has been built near the Library to encourage smoking areas and non-smoking areas on campus.


•People, EDI and Wellbeing Committee

. Shared year's priorities with the board along with Liberation Officer Nic.


•Medical Student Support

. Worked to devise bespoke tenancy agreements to work around Medical Students' exam schedules.


•Free Period Products

Working towards a more inclusive offering for free period products across campus and has made the provision available in all toilets.

Get in touch with Hoor!


You can find out more about my role and the other Officer roles here


Meet the other Officers

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