Each one of us has the ability to bring change. Each one of us has the ability to create something phenomenal. A spark that, if cultivated, can improve lives; make a great difference in the world.
Enactus Leicester will help you do just that. We are a student-led social enterprising organisation. We at Enactus Leicester believe that sustainable change can be made to the world around us through enterprise. How do we do it? We observe a need and innovate solutions. We then create prototypes and test them until we find the right solution that addresses that need. We are a part of a global community of 72,000 student members spanning over 36 countries - supported by over 550 corporate and individual partners! Sounds challenging? It is. Sounds exciting? It definitely is.
Enactus Leicester is not just about the projects. It's about the people. It is about our student members and our support network. With us, you'll have the opportunity to boost your employability and improve your skills. You'll be able to tap into our exclusive network with global recruiters such as Unilever and GSK. You'll have the chance to create the next social enterprise that helps those in need around the world! You'll have the power to transform your own life and the lives of others - to bring that change. So, what are you waiting for? Apply!
To join us at Enactus, sign up via the Enactus UK webpage. ENACTUS LEICESTER - CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR US, FOR ALL.
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