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Underwater and Maritime Archaeology Society

Dive into History with SAAH Underwater & Maritime Archaeology Society!

Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the deep blue sea?  Are you interested in knowing more about some of the fantastic discoveries that have been made beneath the waves?  Join us at the SAAH Underwater & Maritime Archaeology Society, where we take a dive into the wonders of the underwater world and bring history to life.

Who We Are:

The SAAH Underwater & Maritime Archaeology Society is a new society, formed by students who are interested in underwater & maritime archaeology and the remains of past times that lie submerged beneath the waves.

What we offer:

  • Expert led talks and workshops on aspects of underwater & maritime archaeology.
  • Opportunities to meet professionals and engage with field unit professionals who work in this sector.
  • Information on a range of skills-based courses that are available for those interested in diving or gaining experience in underwater archaeology.
  • Learn about the new discipline of coastal archaeology and some of the projects that are surveying and recording our heritage that is at risk from the rising sea levels and coastal erosion.

Join Us Today and become part of our thriving community of underwater enthusiasts.

2023/2024 Committee

President: Michael J Curtis

Treasurer:  Katrina Brennand

Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassador: Keets Bains

Media & Engagement Ambassador: Luke Towers

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.

January 2025 By-elections

27 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 12:00 on Sunday 19 January 2025 (in 3 days and 22 hours)

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University of Leicester
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