Mental Health & Safety Directory

Mental Health and Safety Directory for our Israeli and Palestinian students and those affiliated

We are aware that our Israeli and Palestinian students and others with a close affinity or association have faced exceptional challenges in coping with the recent escalation of the crisis. While there is a lot of positive self-education about the situation happening, some people are using the current crisis to spread hatred and tear others down. We want to make sure our student population is supported through these challenging times. Below you can find a directory of specialist mental health and safety organisations which was put together with the help and feedback was invited from Jewish Society, Friends of Palestine, Islamic Society, the Federation of Islamic Societies (FOSIS) and the Union of Jewish Societies (UJS).

If you are aware of additional resources that students may find useful then please email


If you are faced with any unacceptable behaviour from fellow students, you can use the University Disclosure tool Report and Support to Complain to the university or to request Support. 

Please be mindful about what you post, and message people as cyber bullying can have serious impacts on people's mental health. I also would urge you to consider the impact your posts will have on those with lived experiences.

  • Aish UK exists to make the wisdom, depth and beauty of Judaism accessible to every young British Jew, from when they are about to leave home until they build their own, empowering young Jews to build a brighter future for the community. 
  • Campaign Against Antisemitism is a volunteer-led charity dedicated to exposing and countering antisemitism through education and zero-tolerance enforcement of the law. 
  • Chabad Leicester - Rabbi Shmuli & Rivkie Pink moved to Leicester in 2001. Together with their 10 children, they are proving themselves a formidable team, bringing a vibrancy to the Leicester Hebrew Congregation, with their endless energy and joy. 
  • Community Security Trust (CST) is a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism and related threats. CST received charitable status in 1994 and is recognised by police and Government as a unique model of best practice. CST has over 90 full and part-time staff based in offices in London, Manchester and Leeds. 
  • Federation of Islamic Societies (FOSIS) are the national voice of Islamic Societies across the country. They envision an environment where students are empowered through the words of Allah to enrich society. Their mission is to strengthen society by fostering a God-conscious and nurturing environment for Muslim students, through a journey of development, faith-inspired activism and advocacy. 
  • Jami’s vision is a Jewish community which accepts, acknowledges and understands mental illness. A community which is resilient and has the capacity and capability to be healthy. A community in which symptoms of mental illness are as recognisable as a heart attack and trigger an equally appropriate First Aid response. 
  • Lateef Project provides up to 18 sessions, each 50 minutes long, of free multi-lingual faith-based counselling to adults who are looking to address specific issues with their mental health. 
  • Leicester Progressive Jewish Community is an affiliate of Liberal Judaism, and we value the continuity of our Jewish heritage. We also reinterpret Jewish traditions to keep pace with our modern society whilst we believe in preserving all that is good in tradition. 
  • The UK Palestine Mental Health Network (UKPMHN) was launched at a meeting of sixty mental health workers in London in April 2014. The activities of the UKPMHN are coordinated by a Steering Group of concerned mental health professionals who contribute their time voluntarily. 
  • UK Palestine Mental Health Network - Key organisations and links.
  • Union of Jewish Students are the voice of over 8,500 Jewish students, spanning 67 Jewish Societies (J-Socs) on campuses across the UK and Ireland. We are traditional, progressive, cultural and spiritual; we come from the left, centre and right and can be found across religious and political spectrums. The following link includes more mental health resources. 
  • University Jewish Chaplaincy supports Jewish Students in 12 regions at dozens of universities across the UK. 

Solutions Not Sides – Education Resources on Israel-Palestine

These free resources have been developed in-house by the Solutions Not Sides team to offer teachers & their students resource materials that can be used in class or by students learning remotely. They are themed and are designed to be interactive, with multimedia elements, questions, time for reflection, and scope for further reading & learning. Click here for resource documents.



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University of Leicester
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