Student Group Transport

Student Group Minibus Hire

Hire a vehicle through the student's union

Any group or person looking to hire a minibus or vehicle please read through this information carefully

Do you want to hire a minibus/vehicle to travel to an event, a field trip, to visit a guest speaker or a fixture, we have a new opportunity for you. We have a new partnership with City Self Drive. You will need to fill in a Minibus hire form to submit your request to the Student's Union at least 2 weeks before the required date of hire.

How do I Hire a vehicle?

You will be required to have completed all of your committee training and affiliation documents to be eligible for hiring a vehicle through the Student's Union, this ensures you are a fully affiliated student group so we have no issues with our insurance.

You will have to provide a designated driver(s) and submit the nominated driver form at the same time as the Minibus hire form.

This driver(s) must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 21 or over.
  • To have over 2 years of driving experience.
  • To have held a driving licence issued by the United Kingdom or another member state of the European Community.
  • A clean driving licence  - A copy of the front and back of the licence must be submitted to and retained by the Student's Union.

Unless notified differently, vehicles will be delivered to and collected from the University of Leicester Campus. (Student's Union staff may be able to assist with vehicle collection if you are unavailable please get in touch with us if you need our help at

How Much will it cost us?

Once the Minibus Hire form is submitted the activities team will contact our partners and ascertain if they have a vehicle that suits the requirements of the student group's request.

Once we have a vehicle and a price we will contact the person who submitted the form to gain confirmation of the hire.

The cost of the vehicle hire will be paid by the student group and is not a cost covered by the Student's Union.

What Happens If We Damage The Hire Vehicle?

If the vehicle is involved in an accident that causes damage to the vehicle or to another vehicle, the student group using said vehicle will be responsible for any repair costs. These costs could be a full repair or the insurance excess fee. This will be determined by the University of Leicester Student's Union

Am I Insured As A Driver?

Once you have registered as a nominated driver you will be placed on the Student's Union fully comprehensive insurance policy. You will be invited to collect a driver's pack containing relevant documents before commencing your journey.

Insurance has been arranged by the Student's Union to cover drivers 21 and over at no extra cost to the student group. The overall insurance policy has been financed by the Student's Union, however, there is an extra cost to student groups for each minibus hire booking which will be procured and communicated after your initial request is made. This extra cost is for the hire of the vehicle as previously explained.

If you do register as a nominated driver you must re-register each academic year, by registering you give the Student's Union permission to contact the DVLA to obtain information regarding their past driving experience.

Driver Safety

These are some tips and guidance for driver safety:

  • Stick to the Speed Limit (Student groups will pay any fines given for parking or speeding)
  • The dual carriageway speed limit is 60 mph
  • The motorway speed limit is 70 mph
  • Do not drink & drive
  • Do not drive when tired
  • It is recommended for drivers to take 30-minute breaks for every 2 hours of driving
  • It is a legal requirement for a driver to take a 20-minute break for every 4 hours of driving

Please read through the Transport Handbook and the SU Drivers Guide


Externally Driven Vehicles

Should your Student Group wish to arrange externally-driven transport, we would recommend using Ausden Clark.

The cost of hire for coaches varies and is dependent on size, distance, duration, times etc.

Self-Driven Vehicles

Should your Student Group wish to arrange self-hire externally from the Students’ Union, you are more than welcome to and we would recommend City Self Drive. However, please be aware that you will not be covered by the Students' Union's insurance and permits and will have to arrange your own.

Planning a Trip or running an Event? 


Click here to read more about running Student Group events, including further guidance on:  

  • Preparing to run an event
  • Running the Event: Documentation
  • Running the Event: Extra Considerations
  • On the day
  • Evaluating the Event



University of Leicester Students' Union
Percy Gee Building
University of Leicester
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
Write to Us: Email

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The University of Leicester Students' Union is a registered charity no. 1137811 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 7303101