Natalie Hayward
Hello! I’m Natalie (she/her) and I’m a final year student studying BA Classical Archaeology and Ancient History. I study full time as a distance learner from my home in Derbyshire.
What inspired you to become a PTO?
I worked as a school rep in the last academic year and became passionate about improving the university experience for distance learners. I began to identify areas which needed improvement or creating from scratch for distance learners and felt that becoming an officer was the best way to pursue those ideas.
I hope that I can contribute to creating an environment where distance learners feel included, considered and heard.
What are your priorities for the year?
I have several main priorities for the year -
- Create an on-campus event for distance students, to enable them to tour the campus and facilities as well as interact with each other
- Improve the access the study skills workshops
- Introduce peer mentoring to undergraduate distance students
- Improve the inclusion of distance students in the Student Union.
What are your hobbies and interests?
Outside of studying I enjoy reading, wandering around historical places and playing both tabletop and video games.
Get in touch with the Distance Learning Officer:
Anonymous feedback form:
Current Projects
Belonging as a Distance Learning student
Distance Learners Day
This is being trialled with the involvement of one school in April 2025. The agenda has been mostly finalised, and final preparations for sign-up are being done. If the successful, the framework can be used to expand the event in the future.
Improving DL representation with Academic Reps
The Academic Representation Team are working to make connections with departments which have distance learners and enable them to provide representation and utilise it. I have provided feedback on this process and will continue to work with the Academic Representation Team on it.
Creating a “distance learners” section on the Students Union website
A mock-up has been created and passed along to the marketing team where it will be adapted to fit the Students’ Union branding. The contents of the section will likely be added to throughout the academic year but so far includes an introduction to distance learning, officer roles, and the democratic process.
Making more events and opportunities open to DL students
I have already created two online events which distance students are able to join, with a third in progress. I am also a point of contact for the Activities team in their goal to make events more accessible to those not on campus.
Peer mentoring for undergraduate distance students
This is being trialled with the School of Archaeology and Ancient History in the 24/25 academic year. The mentoring handbook has been re-written for distance students and we’re preparing to open recruitment for peer mentors in August/September 24.
Improve Centre for Academic Achievement sessions
I have met with the Head of the Centre for Academic Achievement to discuss the availability of online workshops in the next academic year -the programme is still being finalised but will be predominantly online. Once the programme is finalised it will be added to the distance learners’ section of the Students’ Union website and I will take steps to promote it within the community.