9-12 May 2022
This week is to recognise, destigmatise and raise awareness for mental health with the theme of loneliness. The ONS Study found that 17% of students feel lonely, which is significantly higher than the adult population of the UK, which is 7%.
Liberation Officer Nic Farmer chats to mental health nurse Molly Kiltie about all things mental health, including post-uni blues, studying nursing at Leicester and initiating those slightly tougher conversations about your mental wellbeing.
TW: This podcast contains discussions of self-harm, suicide and depression.
- This could be a flat mate, someone on your course, a friend etc.
- Set yourself goals or targets.
- You could challenge yourself to do new things and meet some new people. Setting smaller goals like arranging to meeting up with a flatmate for coffee, speaking to a new person when you go to a lecture or attending a social event. You can then work up to bigger targets such as joining a society.
- If you enjoy playing sports or have hobbies you enjoy a great way to meet new people Is to join a society. There are tons available for almost every interest and a nice way to get start a conversation.
- Stay in touch with family and friends
- If you’re feeling low, why not reach out to your friends and family. Just pick up the phone and give them a ring.
- Establishing a routine can help you to feel more organised and settled, which may help to lift your overall mood and adding activities such as the gym or studying in a coffee shop can become great ways to meet people.
- It’s okay to feel lonely but things will get better. Take the time for yourself to be positive, do things you enjoy, take social media with a pinch of salt and remember that you are not alone.
- Take a piece of paper or a page in a notebook and just draw or doodle how you feel. It can be helpful to take these thoughts out of you head and onto the page. Plus being able to see them, allows you to acknowledge them and make the steps to combat your feelings.
- If all else fails reach out. There are a number of systems and charities in place to help you get the support you need. Just head to our advice desk and we will do our best to help. Alternately, you can reach out to mental health charities such as Mind, Student Minds or the Samaritans who may have accesses to some of the resources you need.